Why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet?

  Why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet? Hi guys, I hope you all will be fine and enjoying. Today in this post we are going to know why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet. So, Let's start.... Any cloth is made from a yarn or fibre. That fibre in turn made of smaller micro-fibre. Some of the photons of light are absorbed but some are reflected and land on our retina and that gives us the sensation of seeing the cloth as having a certain level of brightness.  But when the cloth gets wet the water fills in the gaps between each individual microfiber or yarn. When light falls on the wet cloth, some of it is now more likely to enter the water and be bent away from our eyes. So, some of the light that would have previously been reflected off the cloth back to our eyes is now bent away. Fewer photons of light get back to our eyeball and so the wet cloth appears darker than the dry cloth. But as the water gradually evaporated more and more light is reflected b...

Why did the Dinosaurs disappear?

 Why did the Dinosaurs disappear?

Hi guys,

I hope you all will be fine and enjoying.Today in this post we are going to know why did the Dinosaurs disappear?

Something drastic happened on Earth about 65 million years ago. According to our theory, an asteroid more than 6 miles across struck just off the coast of Maxico's Yucatan Peninsula.The impact created the Chicxulub crater, more than 110 miles wide, and caused a gigantic dist cloud. The dust settled, forming the layer of iridium-rich clay now found in sedimentary rock under the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and in most northern landmasses.

The cloud likely caused world temperature to drop. Scientists link this global cooling to the extinction of dinosaur and numerous other plant and animal species. The fossil record shows this disappearance in the significant differences between the remains from the Cretaceous (K) period of the Mesozoic era and those from the Tertiary (T) period of the Cenozoic era -a transition point called the  K-T boundary.

Other geologic events caused atmospheric changes that may also have contributed to the mass extinctions.

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