Why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet?

  Why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet? Hi guys, I hope you all will be fine and enjoying. Today in this post we are going to know why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet. So, Let's start.... Any cloth is made from a yarn or fibre. That fibre in turn made of smaller micro-fibre. Some of the photons of light are absorbed but some are reflected and land on our retina and that gives us the sensation of seeing the cloth as having a certain level of brightness.  But when the cloth gets wet the water fills in the gaps between each individual microfiber or yarn. When light falls on the wet cloth, some of it is now more likely to enter the water and be bent away from our eyes. So, some of the light that would have previously been reflected off the cloth back to our eyes is now bent away. Fewer photons of light get back to our eyeball and so the wet cloth appears darker than the dry cloth. But as the water gradually evaporated more and more light is reflected b...

The Big Bang

 The Big Bang

Hi guys,
I hope you all will be fine and enjoying.Today in this post we are going to know something about Big Bang.
Let's start...

Accepted through physically theory position that at one point there was nothing : no stars planets or Galaxies- not even space itself. The matter that makes of everything that now exists was concentrated in a single, extremely dense point known as singularity.

The force of gravity in a singularity is so great that the fibric of spacetime curve in on itself. In an instant known as the big bang, however, the contents of the primordial singularity escaped- and fromed the universe.

The Big Bang is catchy shortand for a complex as astrophysical theory,backed with sophisticated calculations. The term was coined in a 1950s by British astronomer  Fred Hoyle, a proponent of a theory of the universe as a steady state. Infact Hoyle used the term derisively. Through the name stuck, it gives a false impression making it seems as through the event that unleashed all the energy of the universe almost 14 billion years ago was an explosion. Austrophysicists see the Big Bang more as the instantaneous explosion that within a few second created nuclear reaction and produce the protons, neutrons and electrons that form the structure of matter today. Not long after the nuclear reaction is stopped the universe was roughly one-quarter Helium 3 quarter hydrogen- A ratio exhibited in the universe's oldest star today. The formation of the universe played out over millions of years. Our own earth along with our solar system is producers of Stellar explosion almost 5 billion years ago. The story of Universe still is being written and refined. My all scientific,it  account to expand, and the question of eventual end looms large in current investigation.

 The universe itself provides some support for Big Bang theory in form of cosmic background radiation, the "afterglow" of the cosmic inflation. In 1965 engineers looking  for the source of static interfering  with satellite communications  found a consistant  signal emanating from every point in the sky at the wavelength predicted for this radiation.

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