Why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet?

  Why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet? Hi guys, I hope you all will be fine and enjoying. Today in this post we are going to know why do our clothes appear darker when they get wet. So, Let's start.... Any cloth is made from a yarn or fibre. That fibre in turn made of smaller micro-fibre. Some of the photons of light are absorbed but some are reflected and land on our retina and that gives us the sensation of seeing the cloth as having a certain level of brightness.  But when the cloth gets wet the water fills in the gaps between each individual microfiber or yarn. When light falls on the wet cloth, some of it is now more likely to enter the water and be bent away from our eyes. So, some of the light that would have previously been reflected off the cloth back to our eyes is now bent away. Fewer photons of light get back to our eyeball and so the wet cloth appears darker than the dry cloth. But as the water gradually evaporated more and more light is reflected b...

50 Psychological Facts


50 Psychological Facts.

  • Tears don't come when you miss but they come when you donot want to miss a person. 
  • Playing a musical instrument has been known to raise IQ by as much as a 5 points.
  • When you fall assleep in front of the TV,your subconsious mind hears every single Things that is being said.It is listning.
  • Talking to an old friend makes you realize how much your life has change.
  • Girls who have more "Guys friend" than "Girl friends" go through less depression and anxiety.
  • Psychology says, The person who brings out the best in you and make you strong is actually your weakness.
  • Death is only the second most common fear among people the first is now failure.
  • Shy people tend to have have great observational skills,making it recognize the core of the problem.
  • When you feel insecure or unworthy,Ask yourself if you focus more on what you have and what you lack.
  • If you want to know if someone loves you,look at his/her eyes.Pupil expands as much as 45% when you are on love.
  • Being alone weakens your body.Having friends strengthen your body.
  • Nearly 40% men don't feel confident when meeting woman for first time.
  • Admit it when you are wrong and shut up when you are right.This is the simple way to drastically improve the quality of relationship.
  • Your emotions can also affect your physical body.Jealousy has been known to cause stomach aches and stress can cause headaches.
  • A crush only last for the maximum of 4 months,if it exceeds you are already in love.
  • Psychology say no matter how angry you are you always forgive the person you love.
  • A pluviophile is a lover of rain or someone that finds  joy and peace of mind during rainy day.
  • If you are locked yourself in bathroom,cried,wash your face and came back like nothing happens then you are too strong.
  • One of the hardest things in life is letting go.Whatever it 's guilt,anger,love,lose or betrayal.
  • Friends who don't have lot of pictures together usually have a lot of memories together.
  • "I Love You"💕 has a memotional effect on brain when it's whispered into the left ear.
  • A study found that  both the persons in the relationship can't love each other equally.One person will definitely sacrifice more than he/she gets.
  • Once you fall in love💓,there is no going back to being friend again.
  • Don't laugh at a person when they are in trouble or difficulty otherwise you will loose your personality in a moment.
  • People that pretend  not to care,care the most.Be aware that this is a sensitive soul that you are dealing with.
  • If you speak and encourage yourself in front of the mirror,you will be mentally strong.
  • No relationship is perfect,  every relationship has ups and downsThe one who make it through everything are the ones really in love.
  • Mentally,The worst feeling is feeling unwanted by the one person you want the most.
  • Workout can help get over a breakup and alliviate  stress and depression.
  • It's painful to say good bye to someone you don't want to let go,but more painful is to ask someone to stay when you know they want to leave.
  • Never get too attached to anyone unless they  also feel the same for you because one side expectation mentally destroy you.
  • Listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you.This is exactly how they speaks about you to  other people.
  • When group of people laugh ,Each member of the group will instinctively look at the person they will feel closest to.
  • Apologizing doesn't always mean you are wrong and the other person is right.It means you values your relationship more than your ego.
  • Being single will save you a thousand times more stress than being in the wrong relationship.
  • When you find out that someone likes💗 you,A little part of you start to like them back.If if you never had feeling for them before.
  • Asking for advice is a Powerful way to influence others and warm them to you.
  • People are generally more honest when physically tired this is why people confess things during late night conversation.
  • A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything.No sacrifice and no lies.
  • The problem with the world is that the intelligent peoples are full of doubts while the stupid one are full of confident.
  • Want someone to speak more..just keep looking into their eyes and you will find them revealing much more than you expected.
  • According to study, Wishing someone luck makes them do better.
  • Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of an injury.
  • Act happy and others will want to be with you . People loves happy people because they want to be happy themselves.
  • Chewing gum can relieve stress.Chewing some while an exam  or while doing something stressful.
  • When you have crush one someone you notice every single details about them.No matter how small and when they do something for you,you feel so touched no matter how simple it was.
  • Psychology claims that if  two past lover can remain just friends,it's either still they are in love  or never where.
  • Breakups💔  are hard to deal with because the body and mind goes through withdrawal like drugs addiction-We became addicted to love.
  • Eating frehy bakes choclate chip cookies whole depressed can instantly improve your mood and fight the physical effect of depression.
  • People between the ages of 18 and 33 are the most stressed people in the world.After the age of 33 stress level tend to reduce.

